Tamara loves pt. 1

Hi lovelies!
I decided to start a new series since I finally started to listen to music (I stopped like.. years ago, but now I know I've been missing a lot of good music!).

I discovered lots of great songs by browsing youtube (lets forget the duck song, please).

First one is Miley Cyrus - Wrecking ball. If we forget the video it's great. I mean okay she's naked in the video and it wouldn't be bad because it shows vulnerability. But then again she's acting a bit vulgar so.. yeah. Still a good song.

Second one is Lea Michele - Cannonball. When I watched glee I was always touched by her performance. I love her voice!

The last one is Pink & Nate Russ - Just give me a reason. It is quite a funny song (lyrics) but so great to sing along. Because you can feel all the emotion and at the same time not worry about the bad depressing side of them because..  it's just a dream, right?

And the parody of the week (btw I checked this dude's Songs in real life all 4 parts and they were quite funny, at least the lamborgini part, haha).

I know most of you probably don't care about articles, but I wanted to share this ones with fellow moms, so they know it's alright that their child is acting like that. And that screaming and hitting is NOT okay. The child is not the reason why you exploded!

Article 1 - Testing limits (23 old, but it applies from 14 months on)

I am really happy that I found these articles, and they helped me A LOT. They also have bits and pieces from the book Happiest toddler on the block :).

The book I am currently reading is Raising a son, and I am really taking my time with this one because well..  it's a bit hard for me, because I take it so seriously.

Movies I loved; 
To be honest I had the time to watch just one movie which is Thor 2. It is a very 'ligh' movie as in with a plain story but I went for the eye candy and effects. Wasn't disappointing ;).
I was quite impressed with Loki - he got all the best lines and well he came out as a great antagonist. 

I also wanted to watch the Despicable me 2 and the Smurfs 2, but didn't have the time. If you watched them, did you like them?

Tell me if you like this kind of a post, so I will know if I should continue with them or just ditch them ;).

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