I've been using these COSRX Acne Pimple Master patches for so long that I am not exactly sure when I started.
Maybe it was back in 2016 when Korean Skincare was all the hype here.
I know that I've used them for so long, that I've also said that I'll take some time to review them and never did.
Well, today is the time that I finally do!
For this review, I got these patches from Notino who so kindly sent them to me.
Cosrx Acne Pimple Master Patch
What it is: Protects the wounded or troubled area from getting worse and maintains humidity of skin to prevent further breakouts. Hydrocolloid type.
A.D.F. Hydrocolloid Dressing
The uniquely developed hydrocolloid material effectively extracts impurities and creates a moist environment, which makes the healing process faster.
Protecting the problematic areas
The spot patch acts as a barrier against bacteria, preventing secondary infection.
Intensive Acne Healing Overnight
These masters in healing acne adhere to the skin strongly and do the magic by extracting impurities and reducing redness.
Easy & Hygienic to Use
COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch comes in a resealable pouch and sterilized double packaging to keep it sanitary.

The patches come safely in a little pouch that you rip open the top of. Inside you can find the sealed patches.
I like that the pouch is can be closed again (there's a press zipper kind of closing) and thus keeping the patches dry. I mean, I like keeping mine in the bathroom where it can get pretty foggy and that can't be too good for patches. But luckily the closing mechanism is airtight and it doesn't leak any moisture in.

You get 24 patches of several sizes in one pouch. They vary from very small to larger ones.

I have tried several brands of these patches but nothing comes close to them. They are about 1mm thick and they stick so well.
Once you stick one to your skin it will hold for as long as you'll leave it. Or until it will get soaked in all the gunk from the acne.
Either way, they do stay put for at least a couple of hours (or a whole night) or until they do their job.

I like using them whenever I get some whiteheads or some pesky irritational acne (from when I ate milky stuff which I shouldn't!). And after a couple of hours with a patch on, the pimple is less irritated and more or less flatter than it was before.
Sometimes I have to re-apply a new one (if a pimple is just one of those pesky ones), but never more than 2.
I have also tried their black packaging of these patches and they are similar. Just a tad thinner, but never so thin that people wouldn't notice.

I enjoy how easy they are to apply and how well they do their job.
Some people like using a lancet to break the skin before applying one of these. This way it will have an easier time to get out all of the gunk. But I usually just leave it as it is. That does sometimes mean that the patch won't pull anything out, as there's no direct way to get to the stuff.
How to use:Cleanse the area around the problem spot.Select a bigger size patch than the problem spot and attach the patch to the spot.

+ They are the only brand of patches that do work as advertised
+ The glue holds well!
+ Easy to remove
+ They pull the gunk out
+ Inexpensive (24 patches for less than 7€)
+ Come in 2 versions - the red and the black version
+ Work miracles on acne!
- If you don't catch the pimple on the first day, you'll need to use 2 or 3 patches for it to go away completely. Which is still less than if you'd let it just be.

These are in my necessities box. They are things that I need to have at least one at hand. For those days when my skin just doesn't agree with me and sends me some extra acne.
Now it's been so long since I had an acne blowout that I forgot how it looks like, but with coming back to work my stress levels have gone up and with them, acne came. So here they are again in my "must-have" box.
I think they are a small gem that works on everyone. There aren't enough words to say how many times they have saved my skin from an emergency.
I've been using them for 5+ years and I still haven't found anything better. So I definitely recommend them to everyone.
Have you tried them? What do you think of them? Let me know in the comments below.