Guest Post

Common Causes of Dry Skin
Dry skin is more common in the winter, as the wind and cold air dry our skin out. Exposure to the sun doesn’t help either. If you work in an air-conditioned office, dry skin is a side effect.
There are also underlying health problems that can cause dry skin, such as hypothyroidism, diabetes, dermatitis, and psoriasis.
Washing too often and vigorously can lead to dry skin, especially on the hands. Many skin care products contain harsh chemicals, which dry the skin out. And if you are a clean freak with a penchant for scrubbing your surfaces using strong chemical cleaning products, expect to have dry skin on your hands.
Finally, some people are more prone to dry skin than others, so if a parent has dry skin, you probably will too.

Treating Dry Skin on the Face
Dry skin on the face can manifest as flaky patches or it can be as extreme as red, cracked, skin. Neither is particularly pleasant and it’s wise to treat any problem areas before they become infected.Always apply moisturizer daily. Look for a product that suits your skin type and remember, people with oily skin need moisturizer too. Try to avoid using products that contain harsh ingredients such as alcohol and artificial fragrances.
The best and most beneficial ingredients for dry skin include ceramides, hyaluronic acid, and colloidal oatmeal. Look for a hydrating serum with hyaluronic acid as a good example of a useful product to keep in your medicine cabinet.
Using Natural Ingredients for Dry Skin Repair
There are plenty of natural ingredients you can use to help dry skin.One of the best is coconut oil. Rub it into any problem areas and let it work its magic. You can apply coconut oil at bedtime and leave it on your skin overnight. Use it on your face or body. Rub it on after a shower or bath. Add it to your food to replenish your skin from the inside out.
Aloe vera gel is also marvellous for dry skin. Aloe plants are easy to keep in the home and a useful plant to have around. Cut a piece of aloe leaf off, slice it open, and extract the gel inside. You can use this gel on any problem areas, and it will hydrate, heal, and repair your skin. Aloe gel is also useful if you sustain a minor burn, as it promotes healing.

Dry Skin Prevention
Spending too much time in the shower or bath is really bad for our skin. Yes, personal hygiene is important, but standing in a hot shower for 15 minutes twice a day will lead to dry skin. The same applies to soaking in a hot bath. It may be relaxing, but if you have a hot bath every day, it will dry out your skin.
Be careful about what soap products you use when you bathe or shower. Many cheaper products contain drying ingredients, which make problem dry skin worse. Even the shampoo you use will strip the moisture from your face, leading to dry skin on your forehead.
Apply lots of moisturizer to your face and body after you have blotted your skin dry. If you suffer from eczema or dermatitis, add moisturizing oils to your bath, but be careful not to slip when you get in and out of the tub.
Finally, always apply sun protection, even on a cloudy day.