Shopping Spree
The last two weeks I went hauling here and there, but yesterday and today was some major haulage!
I think I broke my project 20 pans a couple of times, but honestly.. I don't care :P. I mean who could resist -40% off, of a brand I wanted to try for ages?!
Anyway here are the pictures!
Dvorec Trebnik:
Dvorec Trebnik hand cream and three lip balms. I love the strawberry one, but I can't stand the smell of the lime one, so I just gave it to my sis.
They were all on -40% discount. First thing why I broke my project!
Nail polishes:
*Essence Into the Ocean LE! Diving on the sea or something like that, I am too lazy to check!
*Essence Summer of Love another thing I can't remember the name
*Essence nail art liner in silver! It's so pretty and precise!
By now you all should know that I have a thing for hand creams. I use them for like 30x/day!
*Ziaja Goat's milk hand cream (this one is greaaaat!)
*Essence Refresh hand cream (I forgot to take a picture of the other - Yellow hand cream)
*Nivea Soft LE (I just loved the packaging, ahem... I was looking for it like everywhere!)
*Garnier Essentials Toner (I am running out of it!)
These are super cute! I know that one day I'll be buying off Eki's site some adorable hair bows!
<3!>Hair Stuff:
I got excited over Japanese hairstyle, so I decided I need a curler! For the same reason I bought the other things too! :D It will be time for those looong dreamy curls, and not my natural curls which are just jungle like!
Now tho the things I hauled yesterday on Ebay!
Essie Neon 09 Collection:
I don't even know why I needed to ask myself if I want them! I dreamed about them since they came out! But then I realized they won't come into my country, so I ordered a mini set of them via Ebay. I can't wait to try them out!
Eyelashes curlier:
This is some kind of an automatic eyelashes curlier. It sounds like fun + it was super cheap!
HK necklace:
A cute HK necklace! xD I think I may be obsessed, bu really I need to expand my necklaces collection (I currently have only 6 of them!).
Nokia E71 hard case:
I looove this one! Can't wait to get my phone back and to try it on. It's so pretty and I think it will make my white E71 even prettier!
2x Silicone case in hot pink:
The same thing as above, tho this was a BOGO action!
And as the last thing I ordered a pair of Geo contact lenses in Angel Green. I'm worried how I will look with them!
Promo picture:
I have naturally green eyes, but I want them to look BIGGER! I ordered them from Honey Color. Did you ever buy from them?
So girls, were you hauling last week? ;) If yes, what did you buy?!
The pictures from the ebay haul are not mine. They are taken from various sites - if you click on them you get redirected to the site!
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