Earrings collection + shoes from last post
Yay this is my 100th post! Hehe..
So I told you I will post my ear rings collection, and here it is! The pictures were taken all pretty quickly, so if you want a close up of any pair, etc. just ask!
I'm currently keeping them on a paper stickied on my shelve. Not pretty, but practical. I may get something prettier to keep all my bling bling stuff.
(if you click on the images, you can see bigger pictures!)
First part, big ones:
Honestly, I didn't know I have so many earrings! I didn't wear them for like 6 months, but then I decided to get them out of the box and wear them again!
1. Two, three years ago I got those for my bday from a friend - Katja.
2. These were the first pair I bought after getting my ears pierced.
3. I got those as an Xmas gift from the same friend Katja, this year. They're made of felt wool.
4. One of my latest purchases, I still didn't wear them.
5. These used to be my fav. I still find them to be really sexy.
6. Ah, medium circles, that don't touch on the other side. They are really tricky to wear. The other side gets stuck in my hair, auch!
7. I think these are the biggest earrings I own. I don't wear them anymore. Now I might wear them again since I know where they are!
Second part, smaller ones:
8. My latest pair! My dear bought them the same day as the #13, I dreamed about them since the first day I saw them. Now I finally have them!
9. Another gift from Katja a couple of years ago.
10. I bought these when checking a store with a friend of mine, this summer.
11. Three pairs of hears! I must be obsessed with hearts, because I didn't even know I own so many pairs of them! One is in silver, then dark silver and black color. I wear these all the time! (got them in Muller, accessories)
12. Heart key. I got this from a friend, hmm.. there was a locked earring that matched with this one, but it got lost :(.
13. Ohh... I love love love these three! I got them from my dear, last week when we were checking some random stores in Portoroz. Super cute!
14. I remember that there were three pairs.. orange, light red and dark red. I think my sis stole one from me! :P (Muller, accessories)
15. Tamara got those from London for me, so pretty!
I know I had sooo much more earrings, but they 'misteriously disappeard'... ahem.
And for the last part..
Macodvisnica asked me if there was any close up of the shoes I was wearing in my latest post. Well there was none, so I took a picture of them alone.
Hope this is what you expected as a close up!
I remember raving about those last summer, I mean I wanted them soooo badly that at the end I end up getting them. I think they were 40-60€, I can't remember right. I got them in Vogelle Shoes, and they are super comfy!
I have another pair of platform sandals, but these are my fav ones. They go with almost anything!
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