I am not all that quick to write about my favorites, but these products work for me so well, that I had to share them with you all.
If you want to know which were my last favorites (November) you can definitely check them out here.
Favorites: June 2017
Lately, I've gotten a bit more into haircare as you can see from my latest haul post.
And from all the products that I bought for my hair, I realized that I love two of them.
These two products are amazing for my dry, curly and thin hair.
The first is a styling product for curly hair - RED CAT Liquid Fire.
It's meant to define curls and it's the 4th step in a 5 step routine (I guess the 5th step is the hairspray?).
I know, the name is totally weird, but for about 10€ you get 170ml of product which may not seem a lot, but since you only need a pea sized amount for 2/3 of your hair (mine is thin, remember?), I think it was totally worth it.
- How do I use it?
I apply a pea sized amount on my wet hair while scrunching it. After this, I do the "plopping method" (I use a T-shirt). This way I get more defined curls and they hold for a longer time.
The second favorite is a hair conditioner - SYOSS Salonplex conditioner.
I was really skeptical about it because girls weren't too fond of it and I didn't have any great experiences with their products before. But the word "plex" bought me and I had to try it.
Well, this product makes my hair ultra soft. Curly hair isn't soft. Especially if it's not as moisturized as it could be. But with this product, my hair is really soft and it smells delicious.
Of course, my life wouldn't be complete without a good nail file. I read so many great reviews about the glass nail files by Mont Bleu Glass. I purchased mine back in November and I've been using them ever since. The one that is pictured is my favorite. It does the job quickly and well and after each use, I just was them off with warm water and soap. That's it.
The Melvita Polpe de Rose Serum is amazing. At first, I had my doubts since it's made from simple ingredients (basically from rosehip oil and rose hydrolate). But after a couple of uses, I realized that it does something for my skin and I just don't know exactly what. But there's a subtle difference and now I can't be without it. I mean, what is this magic?!
And lastly, here are my makeup favorites.
The first is the Avon LUXE Volume Extravagance mascara in brown. It has a great big brush that separates and fills with volume my lashes. Why does that excite me? Because my lashes have been acting really weird for the last couple of months. But luckily this mascara helps them look A-OK. And it's brown. Yes, brown does look less harsh on my pale skin.
The second product that I've been loving is unexpectedly a Colourpop satin lipstick in Dopey. I didn't expect that but it works well for my lips and lasts a very long time.
Another product by Colourpop that I like is the Brow Gel in Red Head. The gel is not either red or close to a red color, but the formula is fantastic. Sadly it's not waterproof or smudges proof, but I enjoy how easy it is to apply. I can also fix it with a brow gel, so that's not really a problem. It's a warm-toned brown eyebrow gel and I find the description to be deceiving. I don't think it's really suitable for redheads. But I love it for the amazing formula and ease of use.
These were my June's favorites. Which ones are yours? Let me know in the comments below.