It is another week and another instaweek passed by.. yum!
If you don't already follow me on Instagram you can do it - @cherrycolors
Yesterday we did some cupcakes / muffins with my sister. On the picture is the one she made. Completely vegan and egg/milk free. I added some dark chocolate into mine and used bananas instead of apples.
Yum, delicious!
1. Baby was sleeping after a looong tiring morning :D. IDK I liked the look of him sleeping ;).
2. Avocado spread. I did it again and it was delicious! It's my favorite spread at the moment. No eggs, no milk. Perfect!
3. We finally got Ewan the sheep that helps kids/babies sleep! Welcome Ewan!
4. Ewan did his magic and from that day on it helps our baby to sleep (but he must be REALLY tired before!)
5. My sister Helena (aka xoxoParisky or HelenaMilost Photography graduated from college! Congrats!!
6. I made my first batch of muffins - ever. And they were ugly and vegan. :D
7. Did my nails while baby was asleep (in the dark!), they looked decent. I also used the Essence peel off base for the first time.
8. Made muffins again. This time they looked better, but tasted wonderfully.
9. Beaujardin liked a lot of my instagram pictures, so I made a shoutout for her ^^.
10. Lots of fruits in our fruit 'basket'. yum!
This is practically it for now, I have a lot of pictures on my camera that I need to take off. <3 p="p">