Moi Style - Where Imagination Meets Wood (SLO/EN)

To mini serijo v sodelovanju z Moi Style sem začela z intervjujem, ki ga lahko najdete tukaj.
Seveda bi pa bilo zelo čudno, če ne bi tudi sama imela priložnosti preizkusiti nekaj izdelkov iz njihove trgovine (in kmalu boste tudi ve imele to možnost).

Prejela sem čudovite uhančke s Swarovski kristali (oči so se mi kar zasvetile, ko sem jih zagledala!) ter lesenega metuljčka.

I started this mini serie with Moi Style with an interview (which is just in Slovene, so I won't link it). But of course, it would be weird if I wouldn't have the chance to try some of their lovely products myself (and soon one of you will have the same chance).

I received these lovely earrings with Swarovski crystals (and my eyes sparkled as soon as I saw them!) and a wooden bow - which looks fantastic.

Fotografije je posnela Helena Milost, ki jo najdete na Facebooku in Instagramu

Sestavili sva outfit, ki bi kar najbolj poudaril uhane ter metuljčka, in mislim, da nama je prav dobro uspelo, kaj menite? 

With my photographer we created an outfit that would make the earrings and the bow stand out more and I think we did fine, right? 


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